So what was the old life? Well, for the uninitiated, I have left the job I have been doing for a decade to pursue a career in the performing arts, with my own theatre company, lots of ambition and a great deal of uncertainty. It really did feel, on May 1st when I awoke for the first time as a struggling actor instead of a jaded teacher, like everything was starting over again. A new job, a new member of the family on the way, and in all likelihood given my new occupation, a new residence at some point down the line.
I was filled with excitement, optimism, a sense of emancipation and no small amount of What The Fuck Have I Done?!?!
But it is an adventure, no one can deny, and so I thought it fit to chronicle this adventure in blog form, especially as I thought I'd have more time in which to do so (this has been the first lesson of Life 2.0 - I have less time, not more).
So, as I enter this next stage of my life (and I'm sure there are people out there who are thinking I've done a crazy thing. I'm one of them!) and prepare for fatherhood, please join me on the journey by following this blog. It might be informative. It might be inspiring. It might be banal. It might just make you glad that I'm the numpty that's taken this decision, rather than you. Most likely, it will be all of these things at some point or another.
What The Fuck Have I Done!?!?
Nathan - I love it and will follow with rapt attention and very little criticism I promise. I can't comment on the acting/job side but on the parenthood side strap yourself in and look forward to the ride of your life!!!! xxx